Sayonara Direct Downloads

It’s with a heavy heart that I’m discontinuing direct sales of iKanji and iKana for macOS. Given their low direct sales and how onerous the new notarisation process is, it just doesn’t make sense given the limited time* I now have to work on my apps. They will now be exclusively available on the Mac App Store. I’m happy to transition existing…

Updates, updates everywhere!

Hard to believe 2015 is nearly over already isn’t it? Lately I’ve been hard at work on a bunch of updates to my various Mac apps. All of which are live for direct download customers. If you use the Mac App Store, so far only the iKana update is live, but the others should get there eventually. In semi-related news, I’ve now migrated the ThinkMac Store…

NewsLife Beta 3 is here

Beta 3 has been a long time coming, mostly due to a crush of icon work that has refused to let up since January. But finally today it’s out. It’s not a massive update by any means, but now the Sparkle update framework is in there it should be easier to roll out incremental updates every few weeks. Beta 3 addresses the…

NewsLife Philosophy

Be small and unintrusive.NewsMac Pro was always a bit of a screen hog, the problem is when you’ve got a lot of information to display there is only so much you can do about making things physically smaller on the screen before you start to compromise usability. NewsLife is parred down to the minimum you need to see to use the app…